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  • Deprecated
  • Not reviewed for accessibility

The Flex component behaves the same as the Box component except that it has display: flex set by default.


Use Box instead.


<Flex flexWrap="nowrap">
<Box p={3} color="fg.onEmphasis" bg="accent.emphasis">
Item 1


<Box display="flex" flexWrap="nowrap">
<Box p={3} color="fg.onEmphasis" bg="accent.emphasis">
Item 1

Default example

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

System props

Flex components get FLEX, COMMON, and LAYOUT system props.

Read our System Props doc page for a full list of available props.

Component props

Flex does not get any additional props other than the system props mentioned above.

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4 contributorskhiga8mperrotticolebemissiddharthkp
Last edited by khiga8 on January 11, 2023